Sunday, January 28, 2007

Too Much Fun

I had so much fun Saturday night it should be illegal, and probably is in Singapore. LOL. Dinner was ok, but the Ba Ha Rock Club! They had this band called Reunion and they play classic rock songs that everyone knows. So we sang at the top of our lungs and danced. WOWOWOWOWOWO I never had so much fun.

What a great night, and the awesome thing is I controlled my beers so I wasn't too hungover Sunday. NICE

Ugh, back to the meat grinder Monday. Wish me luck for week 2 of this mess I'm in.

Training free trials Monday then on to Reuters Plus. SCARY!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Ups and Downs

WOW. What a week of ups and downs. I'm still recovering from a fall at bowling friday night. Right on my ass! O U C H!~!!!!! Messed up my tail bone and thumb which is still recuperating.

AND I'm going out Saturday night! Dinner at Lois and Clark's downtown St. Charles then Baha Rock Club and maybe the casino. WOW. We've been planning that for a month. We invited a whole bunch of people from work, hope we have a big group.

M went to Cicero for the rent which we got but we REALLY need to sell this building!

Also I took both boys to see their first play. Dr. Seussical the Musical! Johnny liked it, Charlie liked it for about 10 minutes then kept asking if it was over so we could go home! argh!

The boys and I built our first snowman out front! It's pretty pathetic looking, I'll post pics later.

Re-training the Sept-Oct 06 new hires on the Compass side of the house, I was very nervous about this but it is going well so far. Gb is behaving himself.

That's about it. American Idol started again and it's Rockin!!! Very excited!


Sunday, January 14, 2007

WE DODGED A BULLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Another Storm in St. Louis! OMG, the third one this year. Florissant dodged a bullet but my poor friend T is without power in this very cold weather. If he's still without power he's coming over for a visit. The kids will love it. Unreal.

Here's some pics.

It's a 3 day weekend also. And another STRESSFUL Start to the new year. just like last year. Get hammered with a 3 week class and I only have 4 work days to prepare for it. Yowsa! Spent last week training a new hire class. They're going to eat me alive. Eeek!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Celeb Update

Ahem, as quoted in my my June 25 2006 post

Cameron and Justin

are broken up!

Britney and Kevin - broken up

Cameron and Justin - broken up

Julia and Danny - she's now pregnant

Nicole and Keith - keith's in rehab amid rumors he cheated on Nicole.


Monday, January 01, 2007

The Tree!

We had a great holiday! My vacation was almost 14 days long. And it's almost over! Eeek! That did go fast, but it will be nice to go back to work... I won't lie, I do enjoy the challenges and the parties and my friends and the gossip. LOL

Happy New Year!

more pics

pics of the kids!

alas, only 2 more days of this wonderful vacation.

we had our first new years eve game night!!!!

bought hats for the kids and we had macaroni and cheese and played games!

how nice!

charlie was exhausted from excitement. lol