Thursday, February 08, 2007

American Idol and Recovery

OMG, i had to stay home today Thursday as well. Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!1

I feel SO BAD for my partner. We're having our 'drinks' next Thursday night and I'll have to buy her some beers. We went out one night in October and stayed out till closing time just talking on such a deep level it was an amazing experience, we've been meaning to do it again but ice storms and other things got in the way. It's usually in response to us getting SO stressed out.

I feel so bad that I stuck her with that training. But I'm not 100% yet to go back to work, if I did I would feel like crap all day again.

Fever is down/gone but I'm not feeling that great still.

Tomorrow's another day.

Mom's coming tomorrow night! I think we'll go to the Library and McDonald's with the kids and maybe pillow shopping at Dillard's in a mall.

Then casino Saturday night! !!!!

American Idol Hollywood round is next Tuesday, I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The audi6tons were good but they picked a couple of more souther Blond girls just like Kelli Pickler and Carrie Underwood. HOW ANNOYIBNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When mom come's we're going to plan the VEGAS VACATION! and we're going to Jelly Stone Park with the kids in September! I don't care if I have to take them myself.


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