Saturday, February 19, 2005

Bowled Last night

I"m tired, my left thigh is sore. I bowled last night. The first game was very very bad at 65. Then I just gave up being fancy and went for just getting the ball to the end of the lane. It worked, then a little power on it and my score shot up to 109 in the second game and 116 for the tird. Only 3 points below my highest game. Not bad. Guess I got a little excited, some guy said every time I got over a 8-9 I acted like I just wone the CAR on the Price is Right.

Wish this thing had emoticons.

Had the Toastmasters meeting yesterday. LOVED IT!! I was Madame Toastmaster who hosted it etc. I deliriously happy when that was over. It's nice to be with people who are all focusing on being supportive and positive.

AND I got a kudos from a co worker. Forwarded that to the boss and his boss, so I'll get recognized in the 'monthly' meeting when the VP comes down from the mountain to give the 'talk'.

Took Johnny grocery shopping, he was very good. Charie's been very good today as well. He's on a streak.

Charlie Tantrums = few , but minor. Wanted Cheetoh's before dinner.


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