Da Christmas Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG. Craziest one yet. No arrests like 2004 but the entertainment was just as good. Went with C and T. T guzzled vodka all night .LOL. Not much of a pre-party or the after party-party. I took the day off and got to the room about 6pm or so. The party started at 7pm.
C's alarm phone alarm woke us up at 8:30am. Ouch. Lots of beer. They had a photo booth this year that was lots of fun.
Got my hair done by a beautician and everyone complimented me on it. My pictures came out great! I got great ones of Laurie and me.
The party passed by in a blur of endless trips to the smoking vestibule. They took away our smoking room! That sucked. The after party was in this tiny little lounge, they closed the main bar so that wasn't as fun. Just a CRAZY night! LOL Had fun partying with Laurie and Jena.
My former good friend Tina is divorced from her husband. Very different than she used to be.
Definitely a fun time. ;)
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