Sunday, October 15, 2006

Phew!!! The New Hire CLASS is DONE!!!!!

OMG. Those were the most stressful 5 weeks I have ever been through. That class was Murder!!!!! I've been so cranky and stressed out. They're new hires only learning a 2 products on 3 systems easy right? LOL NOT! One guy kept giving me a hard time and either instant messaging or surfing the internet. No respect. And I used to like him alot too. The rest were ok, but these are ADULTS, and intelligent ones at that. They didn't play. I had to be 100% on my game all the time. I had to learn assertiveness. I came away from this with a big lesson that I have to toughen up. Watch I'll be a total bitch to the next class cause of these assholes. LOL

It just makes me grateful for my first class, the were so great!

Did I mention the 5 flights of stairs I had to climb in London?? Eek!

Sunday: Arrived, no luggage etc. Walked around a bit, crossed the footbridge over the Thames river to see where the office was. Went downstairs and found the subway. Subways (The Tubes) in London are amazing. You'd have to be pretty stupid to get lost using these things. Color me impressed. In bed by 10:30pm

Monday: Had to go to the meeting no make up, stinky clothes, no hair gel, no laptop etc. Took the subway to Leister Square which is like Times Square in NY. Did some souvenier shopping and ate at a steak restaurant. GREAT DINNER! Walked around to Picadilly Circus and took the tube back to the hotel. Stayed up late drinking beer in the lounge in the hotel lobby, everyone was having so much fun I enjoyed just watching the people.

Tuesday: FELT LIKE SHIT!!! Luggage came, I felt horrible from staying up late the night before. Work was blah, then after work took a walk with this lady named A. She was Very nice, we had lots to talk about but she walked my fat ass all over London. It was amazing! The weather was beautiful. We had a beer at one of the oldest Pubs in England. The pubs are so beautiful on the outside. Saw lots and lots. Walked around these tiny little streets. London is so expensive, I could never afford to live there. Ate dinner at this tiny local place.

Wednesday: Work then went out after work with co workers to a pub then to dinner. Had a great beer and a nice meal. It was very enjoyable. The lifts were slow so one of the guy made us all walk up 5 flights of stairs. Thought my heart was going to explode.

Thursday: Got cut loose early, grabbed a tube to Wesminster Abbey but it was closed. Walked around a bit and jumped a bus to Trafalgar Square, wasn't much there so jumped on a double decker bus for $40 bucks but drives all around the city with a voice tour. Promised a boat ride but they stopped running. But it was worth it.

Friday, work then left at 12:30. Getting home wasn't bad. Walked in the door before midnight which was what I anticipaged. Loved Heathrow airport. Smoking lounge right next to the gates. Free samples of whiskey!


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