Friday, December 22, 2006

Merry Christmas!!!!

Merry Christmas!

It's been a great Christmas!

Did I mention we finally got cell phones???? WOO HOO!!!!

I'm off for the next 11 days! It's 12 1/2 total but yesterday has slid into a tv watching/reading oblivion. I did go to work though and participate in the lunch/secret santa thing. That was fun.

Going grocery shopping today for the next week and getting the annual Christmas Lasagna! I even did a Toastmasters speech about it. LOL

The stress level has been dialed way down lately. I went to Chicago last weekend to be with Mom. She's feeling great after the mild heart attack. We spent all day shopping with Sarah which was awesome! I haven't spent all day shopping since way before the kids. We went out Saturday night, tried a new kararoke place across the street from her apartment. How awesome is that? No more driving! The place was small but the music was good. Singing Christmas carols while drunk can really put someone in the holiday spirit.

My plans are to check email on my laptop at night and just enjoy the day. I've got a lot of cleaning and laundry to do first. The place is a mess! We bought the kids so much this year. It's crazy. And as a first we bought stuff for family as well. It's nice to not be so cheap for once. ;).

I'm off to the grocery store. To beat the crowds.

I'll be WAY stressed come the next new hire Jan 8th. Luckily it's 4 people that have already worked here and 2 new ones. I like these people, they are very nice. I just pray this class wasn't as rough as the last one.


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