Sunday, January 14, 2007

WE DODGED A BULLET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Another Storm in St. Louis! OMG, the third one this year. Florissant dodged a bullet but my poor friend T is without power in this very cold weather. If he's still without power he's coming over for a visit. The kids will love it. Unreal.

Here's some pics.

It's a 3 day weekend also. And another STRESSFUL Start to the new year. just like last year. Get hammered with a 3 week class and I only have 4 work days to prepare for it. Yowsa! Spent last week training a new hire class. They're going to eat me alive. Eeek!


At 8:40 AM , Blogger Judith said...

Ohhh, I feel so bad, all that bad weather was aimed at us at the coast, but it missed us! We've been having 50-60 degree weather all last month and this month!!! Doesn't even seem like winter here!


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