Sunday, February 20, 2005


Holy crap! What a gorgeous day, about 63 degrees, sunny and windy.

Kids slept in, didn't drink beer last night so my mind is clear.

I had to take 1/2 of a 1/2 of a sleeping pill cause my cough wouldn't let me go to sleep. It's rough I tell ya. Coughing on and off during the day, but it seems to be worse at night. Post nasal drip. yuck.

Anyway we took the kids to the park and this lady and her kids brought their 3 dogs. She actually let our kids hold the leash on the dogs, Johnny didn't have a big interest in it which surpised me but Charlie loved it! He and the dog just took off!!! Cracked me up, it was such a tiny little dog that Charlie was actually pulling her as he ran! I enjoyed watching him, it was so cute.

Having Macaroni & Cheese tonight. Actually when I'm done with this I have to start the water boiling. The basement is COVERED in laundry, I just have no motivation to start it. Enjoying my leisure time too much I guess.

LEG IS STILL SORE! Ouch, the bowling league should pay for my Tylenol, lol.

Still watching OZ: Season 4. Just finished disc 3


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