Friday, October 28, 2005


The last of the 'presentations' was today. So now it's just a waiting game. Had a very blah week which is not a bad thing. Just chillin. Going out tomorrow to some place different like Lake of The Ozarks or Mark Twain National Park. Will inform of our final destination.

Had this Demolition Ball team building thing , will culminate in the final showdown Tuesday. That should be interesting. Our team is called The Chainsaw Massacre's. The other teams are The Horn Dogs, 3 Screws and 2 Nuts, Average Joe's Gym.

Off Monday for Halloween, Johnny is Darth Vader and Charlie is a Ninja Turtle. The costume selection was very bad this year. NO originality.

Ok. That's about it. Bye

I'm also off Wednesday for my Birthday Nov 2 and might take off Monday Nov 7 after my trip to Chicago. Still not posting much till I find out one way or the other about this position.

Need to plant the Irisi's also sunday. that will be the LAST of the planting till the spring.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Hmmmmmm, had trouble with the blogging thing sunday.

So I re posted Sunday's. Had a very relaxing yet nerve wracking Saturday and Sunday. Slept 10 hour Sat night and also took a nap Sat. Wow.

Sunday I didn't feel good after having a bad reaction to my new 5 cup coffee pot. DH took the kids out alot on Saturday so that was nice.

Anway, the presentation went well Monday. I think they liked it. Unfortunately I won't find out anything till next week at the earliest. This stupid thing has cost me 2 months of my life!

I'm going to Chicago for my birthday Sat Nov 5 and Halloween is this Monday, I'm off.

kids here, need to put them to bed


Sunday, October 23, 2005

Wish Me Luck Tomorrow!

Practiced in front of dh, practiced in front of colleages/friends, practiced to myself alone in an empty house.


Wish Me Luck


argh ate my post!

tomorrow 10am

i'll be myself after that

Monday, October 17, 2005

It's HERE!

Oh my. The 'email' came. I have to give a 15-20 minute presentation for that training job on Monday. MOMMY! I'm SCARED! Very nervous cause the audience is just managers. Eek!

So I have to reconstruct the past 4 days or so.

Wed-Thur That new hire thing went down the tubes when I used the word 'stupid' to either just the new hire, her trainer or both. The trainer wrote a scathing email all the way up to the director level and these two days were almost the worst of my working life. Such a big friggen deal made. Hope the 'incident' doesn't interfere with the job chances. I just hate the thought of doing this dog n pony show for nothing.

Anyhoo, Thur night went to Growlers for someone's going away party. Left at 7:30 had no hang over Friday. But I was switching seats and fell so everyone thought I was smashed. GRRRRRR

Fri-Patio party charity fund raiser. Had fun at that also. Left at 7:30 also.

SAT-Took the kids to the pumpkin farm and forgot the camera!!!! It was a tad warm and there were SO MANY people there. Couldn't enjoy it 100%. Was constantly worried that I'd lose Charlie in the crowds. Remind me never to go to anything in Chesterfield. You have to pay extra for everything! Annoying. But the kids had a ball. Took them to Walmart after that and spent $160! OMG. Got halloween costumes for me and the kids, sippy cups, underwear and socks for Johnny, socks for Charlie, clothes for Charlie and 2 packs of diapers and one wipes.

GOOD NEWS! Charlie spent Sat-Sun in the house in underwear and no accidents!!! He went to the toilet and pulled them down to pee. I had to keep putting them back on. I swear if I was home that kid would be 100% now.

That's about it. DH going to Cicero for the last time Wed, installing new carpet, shocking pipes (better him than me.) lol and hopefully collecting the money for the rent. WOO HOO!


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Sucky Sucky SUCK SUCK!


The job is still weeks away. Some one is job shadowing with me all five days this week every hour. It's too much. Gently brought it up to the 'boss' who practically bit my head off. ARGH

Then had computer troubles on top of it.

Went to Chicago Friday. Had a wonderful time at my sister's friday night with the other sister and mom for her birthday and cousins etc. Stayed up till 2am, and that's after staying up till 3am Thur night cause I couldnt' sleep. Had a patio party but it was COLD and Survivor was coming on so I left at 6:30pm. Nice to see I'm starting to develop some self control over these things.

I have to resist going to Growler's Thur night for this guy's going away party. I have a ToastMaster's speech Fri and don't want to be hung over. But there's a RockTober fest fri night at work to raise money for the hurricane victims. So how could I not donate my $10 for the unlimited beer wristband? LOL. Hope that doesn't go to late.

Talked to my friend T about us taking the kids to a pumpkin patch Sat. That will definitely get me out early.

Here's more pics. These are Johnny's first days of school. You can see he's NOT HAPPY. But the good news now is that he is VERY happy there and is starting to read a little bit. He loves to tell me every day what he did in school and he sings songs he learned in music class.

here's Charlie!

Johnny losing his Tooth!

Monday, October 03, 2005

More Mums!

Oh my! Gardening Fever has struck again. Pulled all the weeds/herbs from around the lilac bush. Bought 2 more MUMS and planted 65 tulip bulbs for next year. DH was in Cicero Sat and Sunday so it was just me and the kids. Boy were we busy!

I took them to the library to return very overdue books. Then we went to Garden Ridge where i mistakenly thought the word GARDEN in the title implied gardening stuff. Duh

Then I took them to McDonalds. THEN Home Depot to pick up supplies and the bulbs.
Sunday we did the gardening. It was HOT out!

As you can see the PHLOX is growing like crazy. And the marigolds
are coming back since it cooled off.

Here are my gardening babies!