So You Think You Can Dance?
Hell's Kitchen!

Anyway. I'll put one of So You Think You Dance, America's Got Talent and
Big Brother 7. This summer's reality shows are making me totally addicted.
Was bad Friday, started off innocently with beers at the golf course with Cindy and Tom, but wound up at his house WAY too late watching all these concert videos. It was beyond fun but I couldnt' get out of there. He was playing the videos of Patsy Kline as we were walking out the door. Next time we should skip the golf course and go right to his house. lol What an amazing house!
Nothing much going on beyond that. Mon-Tue we're attending training with some lady from London who's teaching Customer Service. Not sure what's going to happen the rest of the week. I have a 6 day weekend coming up for the 4th of July!!!! Woo! Lots of relaxing.
I want to take the kids to the pool and Johnny roller skating. No excuses. I'll wash the walls again in the kitchen. Have the kids help me with that. The weather should be nice also.
Kids are in summer school now and we all have to get up at the CRACK of dawn to get them on busses or at school by 8am. Johnny even earlier. 7:45am. OMG. Thankfully it's over in a month.
Guess that's it.
Garden stuff still coming along. The foxglove looks half dead. Wonder why.