Sunday, June 25, 2006

Break Up Predictor

Britney and Kevin

Cameron and Justin

Julia and Danny

Nicole and Keith

Meet My New TV Shows

So You Think You Can Dance?

Hell's Kitchen!

Anyway. I'll put one of So You Think You Dance, America's Got Talent and
Big Brother 7. This summer's reality shows are making me totally addicted.

Was bad Friday, started off innocently with beers at the golf course with Cindy and Tom, but wound up at his house WAY too late watching all these concert videos. It was beyond fun but I couldnt' get out of there. He was playing the videos of Patsy Kline as we were walking out the door. Next time we should skip the golf course and go right to his house. lol What an amazing house!

Nothing much going on beyond that. Mon-Tue we're attending training with some lady from London who's teaching Customer Service. Not sure what's going to happen the rest of the week. I have a 6 day weekend coming up for the 4th of July!!!! Woo! Lots of relaxing.

I want to take the kids to the pool and Johnny roller skating. No excuses. I'll wash the walls again in the kitchen. Have the kids help me with that. The weather should be nice also.

Kids are in summer school now and we all have to get up at the CRACK of dawn to get them on busses or at school by 8am. Johnny even earlier. 7:45am. OMG. Thankfully it's over in a month.

Guess that's it.

Garden stuff still coming along. The foxglove looks half dead. Wonder why.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

very quick update

My new favorite show is RED DWARF, a British sci fi comedy. Totally hilarious

Still haven't posted the latest garden pictures. The petunias are blooming like MAD!

Frakkin rabbits are murdering my blanketflower and prairie grass. ARGH

The purple cone flower and shasta daisy are 5 fee high! WOW and the maiden grass is about 4 feed across and 5 feet high. Amazing!

Went out for a beer after work with Cindy and the golf course was showing a FREE movie outside at 8:30pm. Ran home grabbed Johnny and a couple of lawn chairs. Packed a cooler with ice and soda and we went and watched the movie! It was The Pink Panther with Steve Martin. VERY BAD MOVIE! But it was so gorgeous outside, warm with a breeze. Pure St. Louis early summer weather before the heat hits.

I also took Johnny to see Nacho Libre in the movies. I WANT MY MONEY BACK! YUCK

Tomorrow is just laundry and church and dying my hair. Nothing exciting. Spent the week working with L on training stuff. I feel like I'm married to her. LOL Next week is the same. We are like the BINARS. lol

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Another Week Gone by

Well..................THE TRAINING IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thur and Fri were very relaxing.

Friday I had a beer with Cindy at the VFW Hall, it's mostly old people but the beers are CHEAP! And at 8pm they start Kareoke! That was a blast, all these old tunes from the 70's and country. Mom would have loved it.

Today I FINALLY washed the curtains in the sunken room. They are disgustingly filthy. That's about it. Off tomorrow, another trip to Cicero while I watch the kids. I'll have to take them out somewhere. Might re-mulch the front.

This week at work doesn't look too taxing. I need the mental break. Next days off are June 30th. And I have 16 days left and 1 1/2 personal days! I also need to make an appointment with the dentist. It's been WAY too long. YUCK.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Phew! I did it!

The SPM class felt like a disaster Tuesday morning. The RDF class was ROUGH!!! Introduced the last major piece of training for 2 days. Thur morning I was losing it. Hope the 3 days of review go ok. Didn't get good by certificates or trophies yet. Need to do that. No time.

FUCKING RABBITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We got baby rabits all over the place eating my beautiful prairie grass and petunias. WAAAH!!!! I got a hanging basket of Lantana. Hope that stays alive this summer.

That's about it. Going to Chicago next weekend. Sat-Sun and staying till Monday to pull a permit for work on the Cicero building . I am so sick of that place.
