Sunday, June 11, 2006

Another Week Gone by

Well..................THE TRAINING IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thur and Fri were very relaxing.

Friday I had a beer with Cindy at the VFW Hall, it's mostly old people but the beers are CHEAP! And at 8pm they start Kareoke! That was a blast, all these old tunes from the 70's and country. Mom would have loved it.

Today I FINALLY washed the curtains in the sunken room. They are disgustingly filthy. That's about it. Off tomorrow, another trip to Cicero while I watch the kids. I'll have to take them out somewhere. Might re-mulch the front.

This week at work doesn't look too taxing. I need the mental break. Next days off are June 30th. And I have 16 days left and 1 1/2 personal days! I also need to make an appointment with the dentist. It's been WAY too long. YUCK.


At 9:38 AM , Blogger Ed Dickson said...

Thanks for the comment. You have a nice blog, also!


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