very quick update
My new favorite show is RED DWARF, a British sci fi comedy. Totally hilarious

Still haven't posted the latest garden pictures. The petunias are blooming like MAD!
Frakkin rabbits are murdering my blanketflower and prairie grass. ARGH
The purple cone flower and shasta daisy are 5 fee high! WOW and the maiden grass is about 4 feed across and 5 feet high. Amazing!
Went out for a beer after work with Cindy and the golf course was showing a FREE movie outside at 8:30pm. Ran home grabbed Johnny and a couple of lawn chairs. Packed a cooler with ice and soda and we went and watched the movie! It was The Pink Panther with Steve Martin. VERY BAD MOVIE! But it was so gorgeous outside, warm with a breeze. Pure St. Louis early summer weather before the heat hits.
I also took Johnny to see Nacho Libre in the movies. I WANT MY MONEY BACK! YUCK
Tomorrow is just laundry and church and dying my hair. Nothing exciting. Spent the week working with L on training stuff. I feel like I'm married to her. LOL Next week is the same. We are like the BINARS. lol
sounds like the perfect evening- I love breezy nights like that!
Rabbits- I wish I knew what to do about them- but they don't make it around my yard at all-knock on wood.
You mean you are not a natural redhead - coulda knocked me over with a feather :o)
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