Monday, December 25, 2006

2007 Preditctions

Liz Taylor-still alive

Dick Cheney-unfortunately still alive

Arial Sharon-had a bad stroke probably still in a coma

Fidel Castro-at death's door, expect the announcement

Shelley Winters-got this one

Mohamed Ali-still alive

Mickey Rooney-still alive, was just in a Friggen Movie!

Patsy Ramsey-dead and took her secrets with her

Andy Rooney-still alive which is cool


Gerald Ford - Just died Dec 27th

Delores Hope - widow of Bob Hope

Tammy Faye Baker - has cancer

Susanne Pleshette and her husband Tom Posten

Michael Jackson

Studs Terkel

Charlton Heston

Lady Bird Johnson


Lindsey Lohan


Cameron Diaz/Justin Timberlake

Eva/Tony Parker

Madonna/Guy Ritchie

John Travolta /Kelly Preston


Donald Trump/Melania

Jennifer Garner/Ben Affleck

Kate Moss/Pete Doherty


Jennifer Lopez/Marc Antony

What a Nice Day

My new favorite show! The Office.

Just finished the 2nd season on DVD. Love it!!

The kids had a blast opening all their presents. And we went to the 7pm xmas eve candlelight church service at the big church. Charlie was difficult, kept asking to go home every 3 seconds. argh.

But they were smart and kept it short. We were home by 8pm.

That's about it! Just chillin waiting to start my Lasagna! Got the smaller pan this year, hopefully this will be the perfect one.

Day 5 of the 12 days. The house is CLEAN! Also we got 2 more black marbled angel fish, they're getting along great with our original two. I'm very happy.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Merry Christmas!!!!

Merry Christmas!

It's been a great Christmas!

Did I mention we finally got cell phones???? WOO HOO!!!!

I'm off for the next 11 days! It's 12 1/2 total but yesterday has slid into a tv watching/reading oblivion. I did go to work though and participate in the lunch/secret santa thing. That was fun.

Going grocery shopping today for the next week and getting the annual Christmas Lasagna! I even did a Toastmasters speech about it. LOL

The stress level has been dialed way down lately. I went to Chicago last weekend to be with Mom. She's feeling great after the mild heart attack. We spent all day shopping with Sarah which was awesome! I haven't spent all day shopping since way before the kids. We went out Saturday night, tried a new kararoke place across the street from her apartment. How awesome is that? No more driving! The place was small but the music was good. Singing Christmas carols while drunk can really put someone in the holiday spirit.

My plans are to check email on my laptop at night and just enjoy the day. I've got a lot of cleaning and laundry to do first. The place is a mess! We bought the kids so much this year. It's crazy. And as a first we bought stuff for family as well. It's nice to not be so cheap for once. ;).

I'm off to the grocery store. To beat the crowds.

I'll be WAY stressed come the next new hire Jan 8th. Luckily it's 4 people that have already worked here and 2 new ones. I like these people, they are very nice. I just pray this class wasn't as rough as the last one.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Da Christmas Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG. Craziest one yet. No arrests like 2004 but the entertainment was just as good. Went with C and T. T guzzled vodka all night .LOL. Not much of a pre-party or the after party-party. I took the day off and got to the room about 6pm or so. The party started at 7pm.

C's alarm phone alarm woke us up at 8:30am. Ouch. Lots of beer. They had a photo booth this year that was lots of fun.

Got my hair done by a beautician and everyone complimented me on it. My pictures came out great! I got great ones of Laurie and me.

The party passed by in a blur of endless trips to the smoking vestibule. They took away our smoking room! That sucked. The after party was in this tiny little lounge, they closed the main bar so that wasn't as fun. Just a CRAZY night! LOL Had fun partying with Laurie and Jena.

My former good friend Tina is divorced from her husband. Very different than she used to be.

Definitely a fun time. ;)

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Flappin, Fricken, Fuckin, Fracken, POWER OUT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boy have I got a tale to tell.

First some pictures to capture what I've been through in the last 3 days.

Wild eh?

There were warnings of this storm for about a week. The week prior has been 70+ degrees and sunny. Perfectly beautiful humid, warm St. Louis weather. It started Thursday with rain, then freezing rain, then sleet, then about 4 inches of snow.

When I left work Thur about 4:30pm it took me 2 HOURS to get down Lindbergh from Olive to Patterson. It took everyone 2 hours to get home that night.

So I was doing my usual surfing the web, by about 11pm, it had changed from sleet which had piled up on the 1 inch layer of ice to about 3 inches of sleet back to just rain. I was watching a video of the weather from the local news and they were starting to report power outages cause of the ice on the trees. They were predicting that by 2am it would change to just snow with high winds and dropping temperatures.

This storm was so BIG it cut a swath from Texas all the way north to Michigan, Chicago was going to get 6-12 inches of snow. So I just was thinking about locating the candles and flashlights when THE POWER WENT OUT!!!

OMG. No choice but to go to bed at that point.

The next day, Friday. No power. ALL DAY!!!!!

Go to work, luckily the snow wasn't that bad and the ride into work was ok. Stayed all day and the drive home was ok. The roads are clear now.

NO POWER Friday night. So we leave to go to Kmart we get outside and the power comes back on! Woo Hoo! Rush back inside and go about our business and the power goes off again. ARGH. This time we're in the dark and can't find the candles, lighters and flashlights. LOL

So we go back out to Kmart with about 9,000 other people who have no power in our suburb. Bought the last of the sold out flashlights and candles and resolve to create a central repository of this stuff.

We get home and the power comes back on!! Woo Hoo! We blow out all the candles etc and settle in to watch tv and the power goes off again!!!! ARGH

Woke up Saturday NO POWER!!!!! Charlie slept in my bed Thur and Fri nights. The house actually didn't get too cold. The lowest in the morning was 55 degrees going up to 63 when we turned on the stove burners and a huge pot of boiling water.

It went on again briefly at 12:10 and off at 12:20, then again at 12:50 and off at 1:00. But it's now 1:24pm and I think this is it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a wild weekend.

I'm taking the kids to Tom's later just because. That'll be fun.