Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Checking In

Sorry for the lack of posts. Things feel crazy lately. Choosing sleep over posting. How selfish of me ;)

Did the Bowling thing Friday my first game was a 122. Which for me was AWESOME. So someone suggested using a heavier ball. SO I started using the 12lb ball and was doing ok then my third time up the DAMN thing carried me halfway down the lane! I FELL!

How embarrasing and how SORE I was for over 2 days as my poor leg muscles tried to support my weight as my hands were slipping on the oily wood. That was NOT one of my finer moments.


Scott Savol voted off AI about 5 minutes ago. What a dumbass. His first song was great and even his singing to Simon was cute. But I think he got way too cocky after that and America showed him what's what.

The Group Sing was SO AMAZING! Bridge Over Troubled Water with all of them. I LOVED IT.

Work is work is work is work is work.

Charlie's been good. Talking much more. His progress is so incredible.



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