Monday, April 18, 2005

Catching Up

Had my first ToastMaster speech Friday, went well, everyone liked it.

Bowled a 118 on my third game Friday night. 2 points over my highest score!

Saturday was mellow and Sunday I'm starting to put my fantasy garden together. I always spend like $50 every year on stuff and about 1/4 of it actually comes back the next year. We have RABBITS and MOLES. The moles eat the roots and the rabbits eat the leaves. Not much of an incentive to plant anything. Thinking about a Lilac Bush, purple grass, colored dasy annuals and some othe perrennial flowers. the perennials from Kmart didn't survive last summer. Rabits ate them and they're not coming back. boo hooo. Gardening sucks.

Tired, getting my period, massively PMS'ing Sunday and Today. Jeez, just friggen get here already! Annoys me to wait for it.

Tired, going to bed.



At 8:15 AM , Blogger Jocelyn said...

I always lose something every year too- but I guess that allows room for something new to go in. If something doesn't come back, I usually try a different plant.
I'd like to get a lilac bush too- they smell great!


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