Tuesday, December 27, 2005



Title: Which Warrior Angel are You and Whose Side are You On?
(With Anime Pics)

Light Bearer

Class: Cherub
Alliance: Light

You are blessed with a heart of gold. You are a kind, sweet, gentle person who believes very strongly in doing the right thing. You tend to be very emotional and very sensitive to other people's feelings. You are so gentle that you would not be suited to an active role in the fight, but more of a passive one. You would be a Light Bearer. As a Light Bearer, you would be a source of inspiration to others. A reminder of what they were fighting for.

Your Angelic Name: Alida (means "little winged one" ^_^ )

1083 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 10014 times.
11% of people had this result.

My guesses for next year

Liz Taylor

Dick Cheney (wishful thinking)

Arial Sharon

Fidel Castro

Shelley Winters

Mohamed Ali

Mickey Rooney

Patsy Ramsey

Andy Rooney

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!

And Happy Holidays! Tomorrow is day 4 of my mini vacation. The days off were nice but have gone by in a BLUR! The kids have been good. Totally enjoyed their toys and they got lots of them. The house looks like a bomb went off in here.

Made my annual lasagna. Every year I have improvements for next year.

SMALLER PAN!!!! The only ones at shop n save were for the 20lb turkeys.
Get the one for the 12 lb turkeys. That way I only have to use 1 and 1/2 tub of ricotta, 1 egg etc.

Sauce turned out perfect, about 3/4 lb of ground beef, small green pepper and 3/4 small onion in the chopper, little bit of garlic, salt and pepper and basil 4 14 oz Petite Diced tomatoes, 6oz of tomatoe paste. Take 1 of the tomatoes and run it through the chopper or blender. A dash of sugar.

Suggestion for next year also is MORE mozzarella in the ricotta and make sure there is LOTS of sauce in it.

This year the pan was so huge the sauce got spread too thin so the lasagna tastes too cheesy this year.

We went to the Christmas day service at the First Christian Church, LOVED IT!!! These people really know how to do music. They didn't have babysitting so the kids sat with us. Charlie was surprisingly good. Took a nap when he got home due to his being up at 6:30am! Yikes. I took a nap too.

That's about it! One more week and I hopefully start my position full time!

New Years Eve next Saturday! Wish I was doing something exiciting like I used to with the parties and all.


Sunday, December 18, 2005

My Life is Interesting

Oh boy. Can't believe it's been a week since the last post. DH is back in Cicero cause one pipe still isn't working in someone's shower. And the bottom fell out from someone's sink upstairs and cause more pipe damage in the house. I can't take this anymore.

Had my company Christmas party last night. Spent the night at the hotel with someone I work with 'C'. She is very nice. I had a friggen BLAST!!!!!!

My old BA friend 'J' came up from Chicago and that made it so much more fun. It was weird, I didn't drink much at the party but I had a ball just talking to everyone. I poured it on. Not sure what came over me, maybe it was the confidence and happiness of my new position. I haven't felt that happy and care free and confident in ages. It helped that my outfit was nice and my hair turned out good.

I had a bad experience earlier in the week when I went to 'B''s going away party and left after 45 minutes. I just didn't like the people there, not sure they liked me that much. None of them talked to me. Ick. Plus I was still illin and with the pipe drama and all, wasn't in the mood AND knew I'd be out a long time Saturday.

So here's the breakdown of the evening.

There was the pre-party party in people's rooms. Champaign and 7 up. Only a little bit.

Then the party. Beer, but it was warm so I didn't drink alot.

Then the after-party party in the hotel bar. A couple of beers.

Then parties in people's rooms till the crack of dawn. A few more beers.

I left just shortly before that. LOL. It gets so insane and there's so much wild shit that goes on when people drink that much. Luckily I don't so it's fun watching everyone else's drama.

Needless to say I'm tired today. Kids let me take a nap. Then I had the nutty idea of taking them grocery shopping. BIG MISTAKE! If I had been video taped it would have been sent to Nanny 911 as an audition tape.

Bought my boss 'J' a present for Christmas. A Bucket with beer and peanuts. It's cute, he'll like it. He's helped me out alot this year. Even awarded me a $100 gift certificate!

I talked to my new couterpart 'L'. She agreed with me about 'J' being out of control and trying to dominate us. Our sales orientation was a SMASHING SUCCESS!!!! I had to apply for my passport and 'expedite' it! I will be possibly going to London by the END OF JANUARY!!!!!!

But 'J' tried to dominate the entire day, talked over us, did OUR presentations!!! Outrageous.
So it's nice to know that 'L' is aware of it as I am and will back me up if we have to go to WAR.

Oh yea. So this cold was so bad!!! I woke up at 3am coughing all week and one night I had a bottle of root beer , then was coughing so bad I puked it all up!!!! NASTY! Never had a cough that bad before. And it's not smoking related. Went to the doctor and he gave me some syrup with Codeine in it. Took some of that and slept for 8 1/2 hours STRAIGHT! I haven't done that since before I had the babies.

I'm off tomorrow so I'll be with the kids ALL DAY again and they don't have any school. What's with the 2 week vacation for them? Jeez they get enough days off during the year with all the dumb holidays and teachers conferences etc.

Hopefully they'll be good. Can't wait till Christmas!!!!


Friday, December 09, 2005

From Crazy to Completely Insane!

Oh my goodness. Today's Friday, had to leave early from work Thursday. The pipes were frozen in Cicero and dh had to take off to get them fixed right away. Took 9 hours to drive to Chicago due to the 10 inches of snow falling AND the fact that a friggen plane overshot the runway at Midway airport, burst through the fence AND wound up IN THE MIDDLE OF 55th AND CENTRAL AVE!!!

I used to take that way to Cub Foods. The front wheels broke off and the plane crushed 2 cars killing a 6 year old boy. They closed I-55 south of Cicero Ave which backed traffic up for for 30 miles south which dh was heading into the city. Un real!

Aunt S's new husband died Wed night. I never even met him. He had lung cancer and started coughing, burst a blood vessel and dropped dead.

Mom's SO just had a surprise quintuple heart bypass surgery today.

D Roberts, a plumber also had lung cancer and had about 2/3rd of his lungs cut out from many many years of smoking unfiltered cigarettes.

L Fraime died from emphysma among other things, we've known him for over 10 years.

R and E are heading into divorce court after he was caught cheating on her over the last 10 months.

B H's husband at work this past summer also had about a septuple heart bypass surgery.

Here am almost 40 years old.

Not too many good years left it seems like.

That's about it. Mom was supposed to come this weekend but she will be with her SO. DH will be home later tonight but probably out of commission all day tomorrow. If the kids act up I might take them to McDonald's to get them out of the house.

I actually got enough mental and physical energy to sweep and mop the kids rooms. That was an accomplishment.

That's about it, laundry this weekend.


Saturday, December 03, 2005

Crazy Week!!!m

Oh boy. This week has been INSANE!!!! That first day back went by in a BLUR.

I have to prepare for an all day New Hire Sales Orientation Dec 13 and work full time.

I'm very scared and very grateful they hired L with me. All three of us are over the moon about our new jobs and it's nice to have the leadership of J and the support of L.

Taking Johnny to the movies today and sneaking over to Kohl's to get a new outfit for Dec 13, I'm not happy with anything I have right now. My blue suit has gum on the skirt and all my blouses are short sleeved, not good for winter.

That's about it. I have to into the office tomorrow at 11am to work on this presentation. Maybe if it slows down during the week I can put more time in. Luckily none of the stuff I'm presenting is terribly brain draining, it's just a matter of adequate preparation.

Posting will be sporadic for awhile.
