Sunday, December 18, 2005

My Life is Interesting

Oh boy. Can't believe it's been a week since the last post. DH is back in Cicero cause one pipe still isn't working in someone's shower. And the bottom fell out from someone's sink upstairs and cause more pipe damage in the house. I can't take this anymore.

Had my company Christmas party last night. Spent the night at the hotel with someone I work with 'C'. She is very nice. I had a friggen BLAST!!!!!!

My old BA friend 'J' came up from Chicago and that made it so much more fun. It was weird, I didn't drink much at the party but I had a ball just talking to everyone. I poured it on. Not sure what came over me, maybe it was the confidence and happiness of my new position. I haven't felt that happy and care free and confident in ages. It helped that my outfit was nice and my hair turned out good.

I had a bad experience earlier in the week when I went to 'B''s going away party and left after 45 minutes. I just didn't like the people there, not sure they liked me that much. None of them talked to me. Ick. Plus I was still illin and with the pipe drama and all, wasn't in the mood AND knew I'd be out a long time Saturday.

So here's the breakdown of the evening.

There was the pre-party party in people's rooms. Champaign and 7 up. Only a little bit.

Then the party. Beer, but it was warm so I didn't drink alot.

Then the after-party party in the hotel bar. A couple of beers.

Then parties in people's rooms till the crack of dawn. A few more beers.

I left just shortly before that. LOL. It gets so insane and there's so much wild shit that goes on when people drink that much. Luckily I don't so it's fun watching everyone else's drama.

Needless to say I'm tired today. Kids let me take a nap. Then I had the nutty idea of taking them grocery shopping. BIG MISTAKE! If I had been video taped it would have been sent to Nanny 911 as an audition tape.

Bought my boss 'J' a present for Christmas. A Bucket with beer and peanuts. It's cute, he'll like it. He's helped me out alot this year. Even awarded me a $100 gift certificate!

I talked to my new couterpart 'L'. She agreed with me about 'J' being out of control and trying to dominate us. Our sales orientation was a SMASHING SUCCESS!!!! I had to apply for my passport and 'expedite' it! I will be possibly going to London by the END OF JANUARY!!!!!!

But 'J' tried to dominate the entire day, talked over us, did OUR presentations!!! Outrageous.
So it's nice to know that 'L' is aware of it as I am and will back me up if we have to go to WAR.

Oh yea. So this cold was so bad!!! I woke up at 3am coughing all week and one night I had a bottle of root beer , then was coughing so bad I puked it all up!!!! NASTY! Never had a cough that bad before. And it's not smoking related. Went to the doctor and he gave me some syrup with Codeine in it. Took some of that and slept for 8 1/2 hours STRAIGHT! I haven't done that since before I had the babies.

I'm off tomorrow so I'll be with the kids ALL DAY again and they don't have any school. What's with the 2 week vacation for them? Jeez they get enough days off during the year with all the dumb holidays and teachers conferences etc.

Hopefully they'll be good. Can't wait till Christmas!!!!



At 11:09 AM , Blogger Jocelyn said...

Is DH "dear husband"?

Wow- you guys really go all out there with the holiday party. Ours was pretty funny this year with some of the new guys from the factory getting fairly rowdy.

I wish I was a kid and got 2 weeks off! We are closed between x-mas and New Year's and all I can say is Thank God- I need a break badly.

I sent you guys something so hopefully it arrives this week. We are having my Mom & Dad over for x-mas dinner with a Ham and trimmings- I am looking forward to just relaxing. All x-mas shopping done now and I spent too much as usual.

Glad to hear you have an ally. Also, you have to post about London when you get back. You will love it I am sure.


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