Saturday, December 03, 2005

Crazy Week!!!m

Oh boy. This week has been INSANE!!!! That first day back went by in a BLUR.

I have to prepare for an all day New Hire Sales Orientation Dec 13 and work full time.

I'm very scared and very grateful they hired L with me. All three of us are over the moon about our new jobs and it's nice to have the leadership of J and the support of L.

Taking Johnny to the movies today and sneaking over to Kohl's to get a new outfit for Dec 13, I'm not happy with anything I have right now. My blue suit has gum on the skirt and all my blouses are short sleeved, not good for winter.

That's about it. I have to into the office tomorrow at 11am to work on this presentation. Maybe if it slows down during the week I can put more time in. Luckily none of the stuff I'm presenting is terribly brain draining, it's just a matter of adequate preparation.

Posting will be sporadic for awhile.



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