Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!

And Happy Holidays! Tomorrow is day 4 of my mini vacation. The days off were nice but have gone by in a BLUR! The kids have been good. Totally enjoyed their toys and they got lots of them. The house looks like a bomb went off in here.

Made my annual lasagna. Every year I have improvements for next year.

SMALLER PAN!!!! The only ones at shop n save were for the 20lb turkeys.
Get the one for the 12 lb turkeys. That way I only have to use 1 and 1/2 tub of ricotta, 1 egg etc.

Sauce turned out perfect, about 3/4 lb of ground beef, small green pepper and 3/4 small onion in the chopper, little bit of garlic, salt and pepper and basil 4 14 oz Petite Diced tomatoes, 6oz of tomatoe paste. Take 1 of the tomatoes and run it through the chopper or blender. A dash of sugar.

Suggestion for next year also is MORE mozzarella in the ricotta and make sure there is LOTS of sauce in it.

This year the pan was so huge the sauce got spread too thin so the lasagna tastes too cheesy this year.

We went to the Christmas day service at the First Christian Church, LOVED IT!!! These people really know how to do music. They didn't have babysitting so the kids sat with us. Charlie was surprisingly good. Took a nap when he got home due to his being up at 6:30am! Yikes. I took a nap too.

That's about it! One more week and I hopefully start my position full time!

New Years Eve next Saturday! Wish I was doing something exiciting like I used to with the parties and all.



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