Sunday, May 21, 2006

This time I mean it!

I really, really, really am done gardening. My back hurts again!!! But I had to mulch the front. And I HAD to get that Carex Prairie Fire grass from the Home Depot at $3 and HAD to get 6 Dusty Millers and I HAD to get 12 more petunias.

Eeek! I can't believe how much I put down this year. Everything is taking off in the backyard. The blanketflower, the shasta daisy is growing but not bloomed. The daylilly is blooming! The maiden grass is getting bigger. The crown vetch is HUGE! And is showing some tiny flowers. The purple cone flower from last year is HUGE and the fox glove is ENORMOUS. I'll totally have to take pictures.

NO MORE THIS YEAR!!!!! It's going into the hot and dry period.

And the MUMS are growing nice and big for the fall! I'm so excited.

My celosias aren't looking too hot though. Won't get those next year.

My pick for next year is African Daisies.!!!!!!!

Wish me luck training tomorrow. Still makes me nervous.

Went to see Over The Hedge with Johnny, hilarious movie!!!!! My new favorite,
besides Valiant. The rest sucked, The Wild sucked, Chicken Little Sucked. Curious George was cute. Robots was ok. Zathura was pretty good.

Our next movie will be Nacho Libre!


At 9:03 AM , Blogger Judith said...

LOL you can't help yourself!!!! Gardening becomes a compulsion..... more, new, and bigger plants to buy!!! Just go with it and have fun........ but remember, a lot of the perenneals can be split in half each year and half replanted somewhere else. giggle Soon, you'll be forcing plants on friends and family. Hay, what the heck, it's FUN!

At 8:08 AM , Blogger Jocelyn said...

I remember when I used to come to work at Reuters achy and tell you about it and now you are doing it too! You have such a nice big yard now too and I know in Cicero people would mess with your plantings you said. And your climate you can grow some things we can't in Chicago.

I like the African daisies too.


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