Saturday, April 29, 2006


My latest aquisition

Sea Thrift Pink

Will go up front. BUT They only bloom for barely 2 months. Grrr.

dh is going to chicago to kick the tenants out. I will have the day off. NICE

Trained all week. It was rough. Found out R has been telling everyone how terrible the training is going.

OH! I almost fogot! Tuesday night I went to a St. Louis Cardinals baseball game!!!

OMG. That new stadium is so amazing! It was so chilly. Spring is a LONG time coming this year. Very chilly almost every day. Rainy today and 60+ degrees.

Can't plant!

Charlie has his choir performance tomorrow. I hope after this the program is over till next year. I like the WOW services but they don't seem to go with the program.


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