Sunday, July 09, 2006

Finally the GARDEN Pictures!!!!

I can't believe how well everything is doing this year. My only failures
are the celosias and maybe the blanketflower. Julie from work gave me
Lamb's ears and I planted then yesterday and also moved the Blanketflower
from the back to the front. Never moved a plant before.

We'll see how it goes.


At 11:02 AM , Blogger Judith said...

WOW IT'S FANTASTIC LOOKING!!!!! Your great with flowers!!!!

At 2:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, WOW - really pretty - can't wait to see the garden - ASAP


At 4:24 PM , Blogger Darlene said...

Me, too--Wow! What a beautiful sight, to be greeted by your flowers, and such an attractive display! Good luck with your blanketflowers and celosias.

If you're having the same hot, dry spells we're having in Minnesota, you'll have noticed that everything's blooming way earlier compared with other years. Every day when I get home I see how wilted my flowers have become during the day, so I have to water them pronto. But thankfully they've been snapping up--until it happens again the next day.


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