Sunday, July 02, 2006

Checking In

Still watching LOST second season. No where as good as the first season. Why do the quality of these shows go down so quickly?

The kids have been SO GOOD lately! When I think of how far Charlie has come when I started this blog. He is such an angel lately. So is Johnny. I am very lucky.

Took the kids to the pool today, was so exhausted I took a nap on the futon while the kids watched Sonic on TV.

That's about it, church and grocery shopping tomorrow. We've been shooting off some fireworks every night. Still debating taking Charlie to the big fireworks in Florissant.

Went to the doctor Friday for the blood tests.

AND MY toastmasters speeches are as follows:

1. Introduction - How I got into Public Speaking

2. Mistakes I have made and learned from

3. Midieval Soap Opera

4. The Night We Tripped the Beef Fantastic (Family Night at the Porcelin Inn)

5. Christmas Lasagna

I'm thinking for the 6th one reading Cat in the Hat Comes back


I started to finalize the mulching in the back but the BEES!!! are all over the Purple Cone Flower which is about 4 feet tall and AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it, the daisy kicks ass too.

The blanket flower is being devoured by rabbits and the Daylilly stopped it time for that?

More later


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