My Iris Eyes are Smiling

I received a bag of Irises from a woman at work. I planted them in the backyard where the pond used to be. Then I cut a bunch of these tall white stalky plants that grow everywhere I have no idea what they are. Basically I'm trimming as much as I can before winter. That way next spring I don't have to waste time pulling/trimming all the dead crap to start planting. Also it looks much nicer. Then this morning I threw dirt on the irises out in front. Not sure why there was no dirt on them but the bulbs were all exposed. I hope the ones in the backyard do ok, that is not well drained soil at all. Wonder what I can put there that likes boggy dirt to grow in.
Happy Birthday to me!
Will post about the demo-ball, laser tag etc. I"M SO SORE!!!! and hungover. ::sheepish grin::

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! And many more. Oh, and Iris's do that, the bulbs grow and some of it stays above the surface. So if it happens again next year, don't worry about it, or cover it with dirt, they do just fine.
Hey Emerld, you have a great blog here. My Iris Eyes are Smiling caught my eye and I thought I would put a post on it. I'm looking for help.
The site I have is a work from home directory site. Its all about, need I say it, working from home. I think people should have the choice to build their own income instead of somebody else’s. Freedom of well being and all of that...anyway I was on your site looking for ways to help my business. I'm really looking for ways of building better rapport between recruits.
Anyways Emerld thanks for the great blog. I'll just have to carry on my search till I find what I'm looking for. Take care.
damn those spammers- Happy Birthday my friend! Looking forward to seeing you this weekend too!
Blog is looking good- beautiful iris. mulch -'em to prevent winter heaving maybe...
I'll send driving directions now
My Iris Eyes are Smiling... I've enjoyed reading your blog. I was searching for work from home pc sites. I have a home based business and I wanted some ideas and tips. I also have a blog, it is it’s new and it’s getting better all the time. Have a look if you want, but I'm moving house and have not posted in a while. I'll get back to it soon.
My other site is a work from home pc site. I recently decided to build my own income and I thought I searching for tips would help me become a better mentor.
Keep up the great work Emerld, I'll be back soon.
Hiya Emerld, I was searching around for info on how to start a home based business. I found your blog.
I was reading your post and believe it or not it’s helped me. Every tip I get helps, even if its just new phrases I have never used before, its helps me be a better mentor. This is my business link - work at home mums - check it out and see what you think.
Anyways Emerld, you have a good site. I'll be back.
Hiya Emerld, I was searching around for info on how to start a home based business. I found your blog.
I was reading your post and believe it or not it’s helped me. Every tip I get helps, even if its just new phrases I have never used before, its helps me be a better mentor. This is my business link - work from home in the uk - check it out and see what you think.
Anyways Emerld, you have a good site. I'll be back.
Emerld, you've gotta start using word verification on your site! There's instructions on how to put it on right where you log in. I kept getting so many spammers I eventually had to add it, but it's easy, and not a pain to work with when we "honest" bloggers want to add a comment. Now I'm glad I did.
Also, delete these bad babies!
That said, I'm at the same point as you, clipping off the dead shoots, etc., before winter. The only good thing is that we have all that new growth to look forward to, and then I'll get that old "everything's comig up again!" and that "hmmm...wonder what this is?" feeling again. Happy Autumn to you, and Happy Birthday.
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