Monday, September 26, 2005


Woo Hoo! I broke down and bought 3 beautiful Mum's today! Blood Eggplant, Variagated Pink and White. I"m so excited! They are so beautiful! I love Mum's! So hardy! So perriennal.

I'm still on blog strike until I find out about this stupid job.

DH had to go to Cicero AGAIN so I had the kids all day Sunday. Made mac and cheese. They were ANGELS! We had a lovely day. Johnny was such a big help tonight helping me plant and clean up. I know that'll last till he either starts getting real friends or turns 13. ugh.

DH and I took the kids to Joe's Crabshack, an awesome restaurant with an actual sandbox/play ground so we can eat amazing seafood and they can play. Love it.

That's about it. Probably together with the kids again Sat, will have to think of something special for dinner.

Patio Party Wed! Uh oh!!!!!!!!! Hope I make it home before 8pm. lol


I'm also going to try to get some Tulips in this month too. I really got alot done this year.

bye again!


At 12:40 PM , Blogger Judith said...

Ohhhh Mum's I love mums so much. I haven't bought mine yet, but I'm eyeing the yellow ones for my house. LOL

At 9:04 AM , Blogger Jocelyn said...

I love mums also. We have some very late blooming ones that bloom late in October. We have flowers in November when no one else has any flowers! We even cover them at night with blankets to make them last longer :)

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