Sunday, January 01, 2006


omg. i'm getting so boring and old.

Don't even ring in the new year any more. Just watch it creep in on the computer clock as I'm surfing the web. b o r i n g.

Got some good news! I went to the throat doctor Thursday and he said he would remove my TONSILS!!!!!! Wow. I have been putting up with this condition called Chronic Cryptic Tonsillitus and the Doc said since I had reached my breaking point with this the next step was the Operation!

Eek! I'm not looking forward to it. 7 days in pain on the couch. And almost 2 weeks off work and losing my voice etc. Specially with this new training job. I'll have more updates on that. Hopefully I'll get it overwith in Jan. But I wanted to take Johnny bowling on Jan 14! And I have a Train the Trainer class Jan 10-11. Bad timing.

That's about it. We just started watching the TV Show Lost. Great show!



At 3:17 PM , Blogger Jocelyn said...

Happy New Year! We stayed in too and played Scrabble and hung out- but it was fun to me staying up till 2am and being irresponsible.

I love the "Lost" show. Did you hear about that Michelle Rodriquez (Anna Lucia on the show)? She's in some trouble with her DUIs. They might have to write her out of the show if her lawyer can't get her out of the jail time.

You are so lucky you guys have unlimited sick time for being off though- do you still have that benefit?

Good luck with the surgery Jen!

At 3:55 PM , Blogger Judith said...

Hay, ever since I had the kids, my hubby and I would put the kids to bed, and cook up the biggest lobsters we could find, and have a nice that he has been gone for 10 yrs. I still do it. Not a party animal. Make new years important to you.... not to the party


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