Monday, February 27, 2006

Johnny's Growing up!!!!

Oh my! Below is Johnny's actual note to
this girl he likes in school.

Her name is Tiffany

der tifune wut go me hos tifune

I'm cracking up!!!!! What a stinker!

Work sucks. I'm completely frazzled for this new class starting March 6.
Should have let the lady do the whole thing. What was I thinking????



Monday, February 20, 2006


Had a nice day off. Got a haircut at a new place, they seemed to do a good job so I'll go back. I feel I can't enjoy life right now with this NEW HIRE training hanging over my head. I'm sure a couple weeks into it I won't be so anxious about it. Or if the class size was smaller but 18 people for 3 months, I've never trained anyone that long. I have no resources, no one to get experience from. In this other building is a DEPARTMENT full of trainers. This company does not believe in sitting people who do the same jobs next to each other.

That's about it. Selling the Cicero building, hope that goes well.

Johnny's swim class is next saturday, he's already resistant to the idea that there is a CLASS for swimming. He says he just wants to go to the pool. No CLASS. lol That should be interesting. I'm bummed cause I just noticed there was one before that for Water Exploration for Toddlers. Wonder if they would have let me take John for him to hang till the next class that would have been neat.

I have a preliminary dinner date with Bunny Thursday, we'll see if I actually go or not. She cancels stuff alot.

That's about it. Tomorrow is a VERY full day. Won't get to work on my training preparation until Wednesday then Thur-Fri is spent with that training lady, those are rough days. She is very negative.

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Now that I'm an official member of this new Church. I took Johnny (and next week Charlie) to the WOW (Worship on Wednesday) service. They have kids choirs from 2 to high school on Wed nights. Johnny liked it. Trouble is they want him to perform at all 3 services Sunday March 5th. The 8:30am, the 9:50am and the 11:15am! EEK! Don't like getting up that early on a Sunday morning.

Other than that everything is still blah. Watching the new American Idol. Don't have to die for favorites yet but hope Kelly Pickler gets voted off early. We do not need a Carrie version 2.

I do like Taylor Hicks.

This Survivor is starting to suck cause there won't be anyone over 30 left in a few weeks. I'm getting OLD.

Wish me luck tomorrow, I have to sit with this crabby negative trainer tomorrow who's helping us start the new hire class. I REALLY wish this wasn't coming so soon. Wish I had more confidence under my belt before I took on such a big project.

Taking Johnny to see Curious George Saturday, he's dying to see that. It'll be fun when both kids can go to the movies, but expensive too. lol


Sunday, February 12, 2006

Weekend Update

Can't believe another Monday is coming. A hell of a week. I'm almost singlehandedly delivering a 3 month training to 18 new hires coming March 6th. EEEEEEK!

Had a nice weekend with Mom. Checked out Maryland Yards that new kareoke place. Had decent music.

The baptism and the church service were Amazing! Love that place. I'm torn about going there and staying home to be by myself. The solitude is nice also.

Wish me luck this week.


Sunday, February 05, 2006

Back to Work AGAIN

I'm really starting to detest Monday's. I've never had the Monday anxiety before. Probably cause this job is new and I'm still 'feeling' my way through it. It's funny how I wanted it SO BAD and now I'm so afraid of failing.

I saw 'Grizzly Man' this weekend. What a Wild Movie! This guy spent 13 summers in the Alaskan wilderness just hanging with these grizzly bears and he stayed too long one October and him and his girlfriend were EATEN by a friggen grizzly bear! Freaky. What an amazing movie. What a strange man.

OMG we just blew out our entire savings account this weekend on FURNITURE!!!! Our kitchen table legs are falling down from underneath the table, a plate of food almost went cascading to the floor when the leg collapsed tonight. That table is SO OLD so we spent $300 on a new solid oak table and 4 chairs. They aren't fancy-scmancy or anything but this place was having the most amazing sale.

We also bought a new $400 recliner. HOPE THIS ONE LASTS AND DOESN'T BREAK!!! I'm so tired of these recliners but I don't like the stand alone chairs with ottoman. Not as comfortable.

And we bought Johnny a new desk for his homework. And bought a new lamp and a new end table.

WOW. Can't remember the time we bought this much furniture at once. But I'm sick of living like an immigrant on furniture that's broke or falling apart. I just wish I had MORE MONEY to replace the couch in the sunken room. It's very comfortable but the cloth is wearing thin from usage. We only paid $300 for that couch. We'll probably have to get a sofa cover for it soon. That should extend the life a bit.

That's about it. Nothing exciting lately. Mom's coming this saturday, we'll check out the kareoke and I'm getting baptized this sunday!

Hope my week goes well.
