Monday, February 27, 2006

Johnny's Growing up!!!!

Oh my! Below is Johnny's actual note to
this girl he likes in school.

Her name is Tiffany

der tifune wut go me hos tifune

I'm cracking up!!!!! What a stinker!

Work sucks. I'm completely frazzled for this new class starting March 6.
Should have let the lady do the whole thing. What was I thinking????




At 1:17 PM , Blogger Judith said...

LOL Why is it that the first girl is always named something like Tiffany??? Giggle. Don't worry, don't panic, in a few days he'll hate girls. You only should panic around the age of 14! Thats when my son brought home his first girlfriend!! Now, I'm used to it, he goes thru a lot of girls. LOL He's 25 and STILL not married!!!!! You have time to prepare. giggle


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