Monday, February 20, 2006


Had a nice day off. Got a haircut at a new place, they seemed to do a good job so I'll go back. I feel I can't enjoy life right now with this NEW HIRE training hanging over my head. I'm sure a couple weeks into it I won't be so anxious about it. Or if the class size was smaller but 18 people for 3 months, I've never trained anyone that long. I have no resources, no one to get experience from. In this other building is a DEPARTMENT full of trainers. This company does not believe in sitting people who do the same jobs next to each other.

That's about it. Selling the Cicero building, hope that goes well.

Johnny's swim class is next saturday, he's already resistant to the idea that there is a CLASS for swimming. He says he just wants to go to the pool. No CLASS. lol That should be interesting. I'm bummed cause I just noticed there was one before that for Water Exploration for Toddlers. Wonder if they would have let me take John for him to hang till the next class that would have been neat.

I have a preliminary dinner date with Bunny Thursday, we'll see if I actually go or not. She cancels stuff alot.

That's about it. Tomorrow is a VERY full day. Won't get to work on my training preparation until Wednesday then Thur-Fri is spent with that training lady, those are rough days. She is very negative.

Wish me luck.


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