Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Now that I'm an official member of this new Church. I took Johnny (and next week Charlie) to the WOW (Worship on Wednesday) service. They have kids choirs from 2 to high school on Wed nights. Johnny liked it. Trouble is they want him to perform at all 3 services Sunday March 5th. The 8:30am, the 9:50am and the 11:15am! EEK! Don't like getting up that early on a Sunday morning.

Other than that everything is still blah. Watching the new American Idol. Don't have to die for favorites yet but hope Kelly Pickler gets voted off early. We do not need a Carrie version 2.

I do like Taylor Hicks.

This Survivor is starting to suck cause there won't be anyone over 30 left in a few weeks. I'm getting OLD.

Wish me luck tomorrow, I have to sit with this crabby negative trainer tomorrow who's helping us start the new hire class. I REALLY wish this wasn't coming so soon. Wish I had more confidence under my belt before I took on such a big project.

Taking Johnny to see Curious George Saturday, he's dying to see that. It'll be fun when both kids can go to the movies, but expensive too. lol



At 7:45 AM , Blogger Judith said...

A new church is always fun. New friends, new things to do....but don't let them overwhelm you! They always ask new members to do lots of stuff, because the older members are tired of it. LOL


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