Saturday, March 18, 2006


Slept 11 hours last night and 9 the night before. This is freaking me out. I did drink beer both nights so I guess my body's not ready for that yet. I wish this R person would dry up and blow away, she's making me paranoid. Writing things down during my classes etc. Pissing me off. I know I'm not perfect but this is the first time I've done a two day class.

Anyway. Johnny's swim lessons are done. Got robbed on that one. Will register him for the summer course and do it over the phone. AND KEEP THE REGISTRATION!

My mini daffodils came up and flowered already. The tulips are working their way up for next month also. And the Irises. Woo Hoo!

That's about it. Need to put the kids to bed.


Next week should be better and CHICAGO SATURDAY!


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