Very tired today. Kids up at the frakkin crack of dawn.
My new favorite show is Battlestar Galactica!!! Check it out!
This show is on the Sci Fi Channel and we're renting it from Netflix.
So far my favorites are Lexx, Farscape and Battlestar Galactica.
It's so modern and the plots are so amazing. I am never bored when
I watch this show and it is never predictable. Amazing for writing now.

Tulips are coming up, will get pics up here soon.
Hasn't been consistently warm enough to plant but in about 3-4 more weeks look out!
I can't wait.
Also was very very very stupid and bought a 5 gallon fish tank! With heater
and filter etc. and FISH! OMG what the hell was I thinking?
Will have pics of them also. I love watching them, very relaxing.
I don't have to train for the next 2 weeks!!!! I prep Mon-Wed then off for 4 days
and the week after that R is training M-F and I am watching/learning.
She's talking about bugging out at the beginning of May. Just goes to show
you be careful what you wish for. I am SO unprepared to deliver the rest
myself. I wish I had the last 3 months of my life back and would do
everything differently.
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