Surreal Weekend
I hope the below pictures portray how bad that storm was that hit St. Louis July 19th 2006. I definitely learned not to stock up too much on stuff in the freezer/fridge. We lost power for 5 days and had to throw out hundreds of dollars worth of food.

I went out Wednesday night for a short drink at Trainwreck. I had such a shitty day.
Around 7pm this massively massive STORM BLEW IN! Tornados + 80 mile an hour winds etc. Wacked out. Made it home about 7:30pm and we lost power!
Well Thursday it was over 100+ degrees and we still didn't have power. Over 500,000 people in the St. Louis area lost power. By Thursday 12pm I was hearing from people at work it would be 3-5 days for it to come back on. OMG I called Mom and she told me to come on over!!!!! I raced home, talked dh into it and we threw the kids in the car and took off. I had to wash dishes and clean the house and pack up the car in 95 degree house heat. NASTY!! I was sweating and my face was all red. We had to hit the road by 4pm to beat the rush hour traffic out of town.
dh just got home from the mall with the kids, that's after taking them to mcdonalds. AND we had to clean out the fridge and freezer of 2 garbage cans full of FOOD!!!!!!!!!!1 I wanted to cry. We had just gone shopping for all this meat and had to throw it all away!
All the hotels were full, gas stations shut down, stop lights blinking red. Was like hurrican Katrina in St. Louis.
So we get to Mom's Thur night 10pm and the kids were angels!!!!! We ate twice at Cracker Barrel, once on the way up and once on the way back.
Friday was blah, but Mom and I took the kids to Sarah's. We got Jewel pizzas and Sarah gave them a bath. They were filthy!
Saturday we went to Jessie's for a BBQ and had a BLAST! dh went with which made it even more fun.
Then Saturday night is drinking night! Went to this place called Harry's. Had DJ's and kareoke there but it all wasn't very good. Not alot of people and we played a couple games of pool.
Got home at 1:30 am which is early for me. LOL Sunday slept in and didn't do much. ANOTHER party at jessie's and I called in to work and took off Monday. The AmerenUE website kept saying there was no powwer yet. So we left Mom's Monday at 3:30pm and I think the power came back on Sunday night. But I didn't want to take any chances.
The 2 boys were such ANGELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO GOOD! Slept all night on Mom's couch. Didn't make a fuss. WOW. I am awed.
So not it's 11:30pm and I am going to sleep in my bed for the first time in 4 days.
I have a wicked party I'm going to this Saturday. Next blog will be about that.
WOW We had about a week of thoes high temps, but lucky for us the power never went out in our area. If it did I would have just rushed down to the beach and soaked in the ocean. But the weathers nice now, 80's and comfortable. I used to love summer as a kid... what happened? Now I'm looking foward to fall!!!!
Hi! I was wondering if you lost power more than once because I kept seeing all these news reports- I hope not.
It must have been super hot. You can see we are up to our eyeballs with things at my house.
what is the concrete at cicero?
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