Saturday, August 26, 2006


Quick update

Had one of the few nice calm days at work Friday. J and L were gone. Very peaceful. Got lots done.

Today took Johnny to the library. That was nice.

Didn't do much today. Slept 10 hours last night again. 5 day work week next week then off Monday for Labor Day.

No Vegas? None of mom, sis want to go. I'm very upset.

Thursday at Johnny's school there is Cub Scouts!!! I might sign Johnny up for that. That'll keep us busy. and the Church choir is starting up Sept 6th.

That's about it. Nothing exciting, cept spending a buttload of money on car repairs lately which sucks.


Going to home depot soon to check out my gardening options for fall. It's cooled off here to the mid 80's which is VERY nice.


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