Thursday, September 07, 2006

Holy crap another 2 weeks?

OMG, I'm so friggen toasted now LOL

Got the keyboard on my lap. Good thing I'm going to edit the typos. Or maybe not. LOL

I should get better at updating this more often.

Went out last Wednesday for the Patio Party and after went to Tommy's for pizza and more beer. I love going to his house, it feels like a 3 star hotel cause it's so nice.


Labor day weekend was blah, sill dwealing with tha cicero bullshi. can't take it muxh longr



listening ot love that webskit, type in what ever band you wan to hear and you get it for free.

i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo gorge constanza. so chep. it's jilarious, will elaborate on that later after i read theis sover LOL

the front garden is KIKIN ass!!! need to take pictures cause all the fall stuff is blooming.

oh well

will tupe more wjen sober

in another couple weks , got another new hire clss training starting monday totally stressing me out. why i drnk tonight and why i;nm still drinkin LOL

kids are GREAT!!! johnny loves 1sst grde and chrle soves his chool swith mis libbe

been eating out of control! and need to get my nails done.

will update during the new ire

i like them already.


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