Sunday, April 23, 2006


Resist the urge to cut down or tie up the foliage of tulips and daffodils after they are finished blooming! The bulbs extract and store the nutrients from the leaves for next year's growth and bloom, so by cutting back too soon you risk next year's flowers, and by tying them up you decrease their ability to photosynthesize and create the food they need to store. Unsightly for a time, perhaps, but once the leaves are at least halfway died back they can be trimmed.

Sigh. Hope I didn't murder them too soon.

Bought my 2 Black Eyed Susans for the front and 12 Petunia's for around the lilac bush. Had to resist the urge to get the Pink Mist perriennal, I'll going to look at walmart for that.

I'm exhausted and I have to train all next week!!!

Took Johnny to see The Wild. I wasn't that crazy about it. Too much like The Lion King which I thought was very violent.

I'm getting Vinca's (annuals) for the front and maybe one more ornamental grass for the backyard. And then THAT's IT for this summer's growing season. All the backyard flowers are doing GREAT!!!!!

I'm very excited about this year.

Wish me luck for next week. R is gone after May 13. Although I'm nervous about being 100% on my own at least I have L's help.

Johnny had Church choir performances at all 3 services this morning and didn't sing at any of them!!! ARGH! That annoyed me.

Hope this week goes ok.



At 2:04 PM , Blogger Judith said...

Best thing you can do with the greens, is braid them, and leave them. I cut them off at the end of september


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