Friday, May 19, 2006

fucking blogspot

keeps eating my posts. why do they make updating this thing so difficult!!!!!

had 2 weekends full of visiting relatives. jessy, b and the kids came may 6-7 to get all our pictures taken for mom for mothers day. went out to maryland yards with just jessy and sarah. had a BLAST!!!!

mom came the following weekend, friday night. we went to meremac caverns with johnny saturday afternoon and went to the casino saturday night. the visit was great!
didn't get alot of sleep

training monday-thursday on order writer. get 5 days off then 2 days of rdf training. then we need to come up with a MAJOR REVIEW!!! then they're GONE! no more new hire trainign. phew i can't belive it's almost over.

r is gone from my life. i am very happy

went out wednesday with cindy n and lisa . we had so much fun!!!!!! sang all these old songs from the 70's at an old vfw hall with $1 beers. Will definitely be doing that again.


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