Thursday, March 31, 2005

Thursday Thoughts

Looks like we've ALL been busy this week. No updated blogs. Tsk Tsk. LOL Mine included. Had a Terrible Tuesday and a Horrific Wednesday and now on to Thoughtful Thursday. ;)

Was DENIED for the Canada job, got my raise though.

With the Canada thing out of the way I can sleep at night. My last hurdle is talking to our Director tomrorrow morning. I have an appointment. It's not the God Director, more like the St. Peter Director.

Charlie is on like day 157 of his hunger strike. Think I'll have to hit some of the parenting boards for this one. Went through the same thing with Johnny. It's HORRIBLE. 2.5 years old is the WORST age for kids, the cutest, but the WORST.

I guess that's it. Went to Walgreen's and blew almost $40 on just CRAP. Can't believe it! I'm excited about my Mom's coming next weekend.

Toastmasters (no speech, was a butthead and thought I had a half day Friday so i'm bumped till April 15. And BOWLING. Ugh. Really regret the committment to that. Next time I'm subbing ONLY. Unless I find some serious buds to bowl with.

Apprentice is on now. later. And also I have to address Jessica Sierra's ouster on American Idol.

And wish Terri Schiavo peace in Heaven.



At 9:08 AM , Blogger Jocelyn said...

Glad you got your raise Jen. Hang in there with the kids. I haven't got experience to share there, excepty to say that you are doing good work from what I have seen. Your kids are sweet as pie and they adore you too.


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