Friday, April 01, 2005


Had the meeting with the Director, it was great. She was impressed with my list of accomplishments that I've documented over the past 3 months, and I was able to express my willingness to take on new tasks.

Bowled today. 101 first game, forgot the other two, about my average of 90. My technique is improving even if my score isn't. I'm going to be sore tomorrow. Takes me 2 days to recover from bowling. Sucks that it's taken me 6 months to figure out how to bowl and the season is going to end.

Toastmasters meeting was good, always enjoy those.

FINALLY, got an appreciation gift from my sales people. $150 gift certificate to a SPA!!!!! I GET ANOTHER MASSAGE! OR A FACIAL AND A MASSAGE!!! The possiblities are endless and I can't pick from the cataloge. I'll let MOM help me when she visits next weekend! Can't wait to go to the casino.

Sending prayers of peace to the Pope, I hope he slips away comfortably, glad they're not going the route with all the tubes and stuff.

Hope I have the strength to take the kids to McDonalds tomorrow to play in the tunnels. Had to come home at 10pm to vacuum up friggen KC Masterpeice BBQ Spice that he dumped all over the basement carpet.

Oh yea, next post I"ll have to talk about my wacky highway adventure and the insane 3 inch bugs that seem to just waltz in from the back yard into the basement.



At 9:40 AM , Blogger Jocelyn said...

Was that KC? Good for you. and enjoy that spa treatment too. maybe I'll try calling you tomorrow if you are around. Today I am running errands. Joc


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