Thursday, July 07, 2005

Learned Something Today

I attended this seminar/training/class thing today for Interpersonal Communication in the WorkPlace all day and took a test to determine our 'personality types'. Turns mine was D for Dominant (at work, not in our personal lives).

Says D's can get belligerant when forced to work with others, prefer to be independent. Needs advancement or more job opportunities. Have high expecations of others, impatient, intolerant, etc.

The more I think about it the more I am realizing that is probably why I've been so very unhappy at this new job in St. Louis. The mgmt want the employees to be S or C types. S's are more easy going, don't speak up, don't have all these high expectations. Just want to plan the work and work the plan C's are consientious, careful, follow the rules, etc.

'I' types are very people oriented, very social and outgoing.

I think my personality type is clashing with the above 3. It's sad cause I'm in the golden cage. I have stock I can't sell till March so I can't burn up the pavement looking for another job. And this one has amazing vacation benefits and low premiums for health insurance and generous sick leave policy (which I don't even use, but should)

So my new plan of action is to be an S. Fuck it, I officially give up expecting or trying to achieve advancement, opportunities, promotions etc. I will just come to work and leave. That's it. I'm sick of being stressed out and upset over every little thing goes on etc.

I GIVE UP! Can't finish something by 5pm. Forget about it, leave.

ha ha, we'll see how long this lasts but I certainly will give it my best effort.

Let's consider July 8 Day 1. It takes 21 days to develop a new habit.

BTW: This place is near this huge Toys R Us and I popped in and bought some toys for the kids. OMG. Everything is so friggen expensive. I mean it's plastic crap and everything is $20, $20, $20 or $14.99. That's ridiculous! I can't even buy much for my kids birthday without going over a hundred bucks.

Charlie loved the toys.



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