Saturday, June 18, 2005

I'm BACK!!!!!

WOW. Feels strange to be back. That trip was grueling. All the flights went smoothly but on the way there I dragged this lap top all over to NY. WHY DIDN'T I PUT IT IN THE SUITCASE? I have no idea. So when I get to NY I notice the clip on handle that pulls the suitcase is missing. The luggage elves put it in the zip front but I didn't look there so I thought it fell off or was lost or whatever. So on the way home when I grew a brain and put the laptop in the suitcase it weighed about 98lbs! And I couldn't roll it. Then I discovered TODAY when unpacking that the handle was in the zipped up pocket in front. dugh.

omg. charlie's crying again. ok. now he's occupied brushing his teeth in my bathroom, hope he doesn't destroy too much while I"m typing this.

Had 2 wonderful meals, Mexican place that had 2 for 1 magheritas and on Thur night we ate at Sophia an italian place. I had TUNA STEAK with a balsamic gravy that i almost licked off the plate. YUM! But besides that we didn't do too much.

So anyway. The trip depressed me cause I felt so fat. See, fat does not exist in NY cause everyone climbs 3-4 flights of stairs to and from the subways and walks for miles and miles every day. St. Louis I walk 10 feet to the car, get in, sit down, and walk about 1/2 block into the office and proceed to sit down for the next 10 hours then reverse it and i'm home and sitting again.

I am quite averse to exercise.

The customer meetings were very successful but now all my co - workers are jealous or whatever and all HATE me. They're barely speaking to me. It's very upsetting.

This trip was a last minute thing proposed by a friend of mine who works in collections and bill resolutions, she was supposed to go herself but did not feel comfortable visiting clients by herself to resolve these issues and wanted an OMS there to back up her assertions. Our director and another manager approved it, but my immediate boss was annoyed. My presence definitely was helpful but we were missing another OMS this week so all my pod mates were furious that I was leaving town for 2 full days and 2 half days. I did all my own work and will go in Sunday to catch up. Can't please everyone I guess. It's just uncomfortable to half to sit with people all day that are mad at you.

So, I'm still tired despite sleeping 9 1/2 hours straight last night, then went back to bed for another 1 1/2 hours. I feel all tired still. Probably will be more energetic tomorrow.

PLANT UPDATE: They're all kicking ass except the Lilac, still looks DROOPY. But the cone flower has grown almost a foot and is sprouting it's first flower. The crown vetch is growing like crazy and the day lilly is growing back it's flowers and the yarrow is growing back and the lemon has grown almost 20 times it's size and smells wonderful. Think I will get more of those next year.

BYE for now!


At 1:40 PM , Blogger Mary said...

hey chickie
Welcome home!!! ::hugs::

Agh the others are just jealous!!! ::rasberries to those who are bein mean to ya::

I am so happy to hear about the plants! ::big smile:: thats wondeful news! especialy about the cone flower.... See those annoying critters didnt getem. giggle you will have to ask Miss Judi what she looked out her window and saw a couple of weeks ago giggle she called me in near histerics giggles she was laughin so hard... in regards to her garden which is in planters mind you...


At 11:39 PM , Blogger ~Jan said...

I am averse to exercise, too. Let's start a club. We won't DO anything, but it's a club I'd proudly claim membership in.

At 9:34 AM , Blogger Jocelyn said...

I agree. Laugh maniacally every chance you get to rub it in. :oP Very petty for them to be so resentful. As KO used to say, "What a bunch of weenies!" (Remember that?)


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