Friday, September 30, 2005

What a Week!

This week has been crazy.

1. Interviewed for the second job that I put in for. That interview went well. Took 2 days to send the thank you letter because I put so much thought into it. It's not every day we get asked for writing samples, I looked through all my emails but all I ever send is a sentence or two. lol.

2. Patio Party Wednesday, it's fortunate that each time I've had one of these interviews I've been able to get drunk afterword. LOL. I'm usually so wound up afterword, it's nice going out and blowing off some steam. So anyway we had the next to the last patio party of the year before it gets cold out. It was chilly, a big storm blew in and it was dark and rainy. About 7pm a few of us went to a small bar for a few more. It was boring, so I left about 9:30pm. Didn't feel too bad the next day. Hangover rating: about a 5 or 6.

3. Close week, nuff said.

4. Planted the last mum last night, and pulled out ALL the previous owner's herb bushes. They look icky and I'm totally going with the flowers next year. My goal is to get a buttload of tulip bulbs to plant and that'll close out this year. Next year I will plant more of the white ones if I can figure out their name.

Oh well, about at least a week before this job thing is wrapped up. Got a very busy day tomorrow.


Monday, September 26, 2005


Woo Hoo! I broke down and bought 3 beautiful Mum's today! Blood Eggplant, Variagated Pink and White. I"m so excited! They are so beautiful! I love Mum's! So hardy! So perriennal.

I'm still on blog strike until I find out about this stupid job.

DH had to go to Cicero AGAIN so I had the kids all day Sunday. Made mac and cheese. They were ANGELS! We had a lovely day. Johnny was such a big help tonight helping me plant and clean up. I know that'll last till he either starts getting real friends or turns 13. ugh.

DH and I took the kids to Joe's Crabshack, an awesome restaurant with an actual sandbox/play ground so we can eat amazing seafood and they can play. Love it.

That's about it. Probably together with the kids again Sat, will have to think of something special for dinner.

Patio Party Wed! Uh oh!!!!!!!!! Hope I make it home before 8pm. lol


I'm also going to try to get some Tulips in this month too. I really got alot done this year.

bye again!

Thursday, September 22, 2005


I'm not posting much until I find out about that job. PFfffffffffffT!

Mom's in Vegas.

I'm depressed and very tired. Had that second VP roundtable meeting. It's harder organizing these things. Also I'm working on project for my review, I think I pissed people off at work by asking them about the status of their orders. But there's no quality control here and orders just sit open for months and no one looks at them.

That's about it. Hurricane Rita Category 4 is about to slam into Galveston/Houston TX saturday morning.

Friday tomorrow!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Not a good state of mind

Spent Saturday MAJORLY depressed. The tenant we rented to about a friggen month or so ago is friggen frackin MOVING OUT!!!!!!!! WTF!!!! I slept all day. BUT I did take the kids to the park. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous lately.

Then today was busy with domestic stuff. Laundry, grocery shopping, making dinner. Tried a new recipe of Pad Thai noodle (from a mix) with shrimp and a Mixed Green salad with Rasberry Dressing. It was a big success, DH loved it.

Then I got the nutty idea to pull out all the weeds in the back yard. Johnny Loved helping me. I have a HUGE pile of weeds. They grow about 8 fee tall with these tufted ends and each plant grows about 15 stalks. HUGE things that seemed to have sprung over night. The backyard looks MUCH Better without all that junk.

But I seem to have a dilema with the Lemon Verbana bush. It is HUGE but is so heavy the main branch can't support the weight and it flops to the ground. I can't tie it to the fence cause the leave would be smooshed into the fence. I might have to get some kind of long pole next year to support that weight.

I'm already planning next years stuff! LOL. I really wish I had the energy this year to drop some tulips or mums in the front. Maybe if it's nice next weekend. I know Johnny is a gardening fanatic. Loves being with me planting stuff or cleaning up. Charlie likes it too but is too young to be out front yet like that.

I will not be right in my mind until this job thing is settled. I'm very disturbed about it.

Charlie was kind of whiny and crabby. Took a nap when I went shopping and has been good ever since. I went to Target and bought the kids tons of shirts that were on sale. $5 long sleeved ones for Johnny and for Charlie there was $2.50 short sleeved shirts.

That's it for now! I have to put the kids to bed.


Friday, September 16, 2005

Oops I Drank Again! lol

Had 'the interview' Thur. Not sure how it went, it was very preliminary. For some weird reason I'm more depressed now after the interview. I didn't get a good vibe from him, maybe I came on too strong? So Round 2 should be sometime next week which will involve some kind of presentation. Yuck.

Anyway this woman came in from NY, she's a trainer and we went out for a few drinks. A few drinks turned out to be till 12am! Definitely did not intend to stay out that late but I really enjoyed her company and we were totally grooving. I love making personal connections with people in bars. LOL

Feel kind of crappy today but tolerable. I started drinking 7up/water about 10:30pm so that helped.

That's about it. Will be on 'tenter'hooks AGAIN till this stupid job thing is resolved.

Johnny's been green every day since Sept 6. I"m so HAPPY!

Work's been slow cause sales is undergoing a huge re-org and no one's selling anythign cause they all think they're going to lose their job in a month.

I'm definitely enjoying the down time, like blogging at work. LOL


No plans for the weekend. Take the kids to the park? That would be fun.

It cooled off here, highs in the 80's instead of the 90's.

Buy Bye!

BTW: Had a great Toastmaster's meeting today. I get so high after I go to those. So much fun!

ok, seriously


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

7 GREENS for Johnny!

Johnny has had GREEN all last week 3 days and 2 days this week! WOO HOO
I think he's turned the corner.

Had the mid year review, oy oy oy. This manager keeps moving the goal line as I'm running towards the field posts with my football. ANNOYING. I will make one final push of effort to get my higher rating. 2 things will happen if I don't. Meeting with VP and a collapse of any effort on my part. I MEAN IT THIS TIME!!!

The 9-6 shift has been working very well for me. Traffic is so amazing, I get home before 6:30 and seem to be getting alot more work done. Everyone is gone by 4pm so it gets real quiet.

No word yet on the new position, my informant says we should hear something by the end of this week.

That's about it, not much exciting going on. Tried a new Chicken Stir Fry recipe, DH didn't like it.

Charlie has been acting strange ever since Gramma's visit this weekend. Real whiny and crabby. Bummer. I thought he had gotten over that stuff.

BTW: I had an amazing time when Mom came to visit. Just hung around Saturday, put the kids to bed. Went to the Casino, she pulled me away from the Roullette table before I started to lose money. Then drinkies, then White Castles, then home.

Needless to say I wasn't feeling too great the next morning when we took the kids to breakfast. LOL. Luckily my kids are 'pretty' well behaved in restaurants. The trick with Charlie is to take him in the morning.

Ok, for sure this time. This is it. Nothing new to report. Just living on auto pilot. I'm bummed, no holidays or days off or parties or whatever till Halloween my birthday.

It was a GREAT summer!


Thursday, September 08, 2005


Very interesting week. Hardly had the mental or physical energy lately to keep up the blog.

Thur Sept 2 was announced the training position I have been yearning for. I applied. It's been a week and I still haven't heard anything.

Mid year review is probably tomorrow. That can be fraught with peril, but I believe I have been better about not being enraged or irritated all the time.

Johnny got yellow on Sept 1, but Green all this week!!! I think he's turning a corner on the Kindergarten front. Finally accepting and realizing this is it. He is learning so much, it's incredible!


The kids were ANGELS!!!!!!!!!!! Perfectly perfect in every way. We left Fri about 12pm, got there about 4pm. This place is Aurora, KY and next to Kentucky Lake. Very pretty, very rural. Meaniing there's NOTHING around there! LOL

We had our reservations at Ken Oak Resort, but that was booked the family also owns Early American Resort which is down the street. We get there and the mobile home we rented has 2 bedrooms, bathroom, frontroom and kitchen and futon. Excellent. The funny thing is it hasn't been re modeled since it's inception at 1969. LOL. Original everything, including the smell.

BUT it did have a deck outside and everything worked. The kids had a ball. I took Johnny swimming the first night Friday, then we went out to eat at a local diner.

Saturday, we took a 2 hour drive to Bowling Green, KY to this permanent amusement park. It had all the carnival rides. We got unlimited passes so they went on ride after ride after ride.

Got home, didn't do much.

Sunday we took both of them swimming in the resort pool. They LOVED it, we all got sun burn.

DH and I got eaten alive by mesquitos from smoking outside on the deck. And the place was crawling with these GIANT daddy long leg spiders. Ick. Bugs do live in the woods. Ick.

That's about it. Just chillin. MOM's coming Saturday and we are also getting a new washing machine. The old one is ominisously not draining properly on the rinse cycle.

Hope i win a million $ at the casino! We need it!



Oh My! Can't believe haven't updated since Aug 27.

Been busy watching Hurrican coverage

August 29, Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, missed New Orleans direct hit, weakened with a puff of dry midwestern air and hit Biloxi, Mississippi directly as a slow moving very wide Category 4 hurricane.

August 30-31 Levee's break in New Orleans completely flooding the city 12-20 feet deep.

Aug 31-Sept 2 - Tens of thousands of New Orleans citizens are left stranded in the city with no water, food or medical care. Thousands are abandonded in the Super Dome and Convention Center amid rampant raping, killing, overflowing toilets, no electricity, no food, no water.

It took the military and rescue workers about 4 full days to get helicoptors and busses to the people to get them out of there. The mayor is screaming on TV for help from the federal government. Incredible.

Sept 4 Gas prices go over $3 a gallon and stay there.

October 2005 - President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Donald Rumsfield, FEMA director Michael Brown are impeached, tarred and feathered.

Oops, wishful thinking.

I am so appalled by what happened the entire Gulf Region. The whole city of New Orleans is an environmental catastrophe. The city will never be the same again. Amazing to live through the Gore/Bush election, 9-11, then something of that magnitude.

May You Live in Interesting Times, indeed.