Friday, September 16, 2005

Oops I Drank Again! lol

Had 'the interview' Thur. Not sure how it went, it was very preliminary. For some weird reason I'm more depressed now after the interview. I didn't get a good vibe from him, maybe I came on too strong? So Round 2 should be sometime next week which will involve some kind of presentation. Yuck.

Anyway this woman came in from NY, she's a trainer and we went out for a few drinks. A few drinks turned out to be till 12am! Definitely did not intend to stay out that late but I really enjoyed her company and we were totally grooving. I love making personal connections with people in bars. LOL

Feel kind of crappy today but tolerable. I started drinking 7up/water about 10:30pm so that helped.

That's about it. Will be on 'tenter'hooks AGAIN till this stupid job thing is resolved.

Johnny's been green every day since Sept 6. I"m so HAPPY!

Work's been slow cause sales is undergoing a huge re-org and no one's selling anythign cause they all think they're going to lose their job in a month.

I'm definitely enjoying the down time, like blogging at work. LOL


No plans for the weekend. Take the kids to the park? That would be fun.

It cooled off here, highs in the 80's instead of the 90's.

Buy Bye!

BTW: Had a great Toastmaster's meeting today. I get so high after I go to those. So much fun!

ok, seriously



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