Thursday, September 08, 2005


Very interesting week. Hardly had the mental or physical energy lately to keep up the blog.

Thur Sept 2 was announced the training position I have been yearning for. I applied. It's been a week and I still haven't heard anything.

Mid year review is probably tomorrow. That can be fraught with peril, but I believe I have been better about not being enraged or irritated all the time.

Johnny got yellow on Sept 1, but Green all this week!!! I think he's turning a corner on the Kindergarten front. Finally accepting and realizing this is it. He is learning so much, it's incredible!


The kids were ANGELS!!!!!!!!!!! Perfectly perfect in every way. We left Fri about 12pm, got there about 4pm. This place is Aurora, KY and next to Kentucky Lake. Very pretty, very rural. Meaniing there's NOTHING around there! LOL

We had our reservations at Ken Oak Resort, but that was booked the family also owns Early American Resort which is down the street. We get there and the mobile home we rented has 2 bedrooms, bathroom, frontroom and kitchen and futon. Excellent. The funny thing is it hasn't been re modeled since it's inception at 1969. LOL. Original everything, including the smell.

BUT it did have a deck outside and everything worked. The kids had a ball. I took Johnny swimming the first night Friday, then we went out to eat at a local diner.

Saturday, we took a 2 hour drive to Bowling Green, KY to this permanent amusement park. It had all the carnival rides. We got unlimited passes so they went on ride after ride after ride.

Got home, didn't do much.

Sunday we took both of them swimming in the resort pool. They LOVED it, we all got sun burn.

DH and I got eaten alive by mesquitos from smoking outside on the deck. And the place was crawling with these GIANT daddy long leg spiders. Ick. Bugs do live in the woods. Ick.

That's about it. Just chillin. MOM's coming Saturday and we are also getting a new washing machine. The old one is ominisously not draining properly on the rinse cycle.

Hope i win a million $ at the casino! We need it!



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