Monday, November 07, 2005


What the hell?????? This friday it will be 2 weeks since the last of the people did their presentations. How long does it make to make a friggen decision?

On to more pleasant things.

The trip to Chicago was Wonderful!!! I should have taken pictures at Jocelyn's of her front and back yards. I just loved what she did with her landscaping. We had a great lunch at Leona's. I had lasagna. YUM! I'm so glad I went up there, it was so nice to see her again. She looked so GOOD! and her house was so beautiful!

Slept like crap Friday night cause of the people upstairs kept walking around. ARGH

Saturday night by Sarah's was so much fun! Slept very good by her house, then Sunday was out to breakfast and home. VERY TIRED Sunday night and even though I got 8 straight hours of sleep I was still tired Monday. Luckily I had the day off, after a nap I felt much better.

So no more fun times till Thanksgiving vacation or the company Christmas party.

On to the Laundry! bye


At 6:38 PM , Blogger Jocelyn said...

It was really great to see you too Jennifer. Nice to be able to just pick up where we left off- that's the sign of a good friend :)


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