Sunday, January 29, 2006

Halloween Pics!

I know it's January and I havent' even uploaded the Christmas pics.


Saturday, January 28, 2006

Work is Coming!

I'm scared. I have to go back to work Monday. No more laying around the house endless watching TV and reading my 1,200 page novel. Boo Hoo! With the new job and all this pressure I'm feeling a bit of anxiety on 'returning to the scene'.

Wish me Luck!

Monday, January 23, 2006



Yum and Yum. We discovered a Pizzeria Uno in Missouri!!!!!

We got 2 stuffed pizza's for 16 bucks! It is a 40 mile round trip but oh so worth it!

The only down side it rips my throat out every time I eat. BUT DAMN it was good!

It is improving every day.

Had a scare last night though. Had this 'dull, gnawing, ache' right under my breastbone starting about 12am, after I took my medicine. Was in a different place then a stomache ache. I looked on the web and under Peptic Ulcer it listed those exact symptoms and told me to EAT SOMETHING! So I wolfed down a huge peanut butter and jelly sandwhich with a glass of milk and it went away. It scared me REAL bad. I almost went to the hospital it was so bad. Never had pain there before. So I hope that doesn't come back.

Off to watch Skating with Celebrities while taping Wife Swap! Live is good!

I watched last night on TLC, the story of Jackie: 627lb woman and The Half Ton Man.

Wild stuff. There but for the grace of God go I.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

I MISS FOOD!!!!!!!!!

Day 6 without solid food. And a very restricted liquid diet. Can't eat too much even ice cream etc cause it's hard to swallow.

I'm sleeping about 17 hours a day and the back of my throat is covered in thick white SCABS! They taste nasty and feel sore all the time. I can't wait to eat a normal meal. All I think about is what I can eat first.


2. Big plate of noodles with chicken, brocoli, olive oil and parmesan cheese.

3. Big Mac and fries

Among many other things.

The kids have been good, we've been cracking down on them fighting all the time, it gets on my nerves BAD.

This week should be better cause I will be more on the mend and have more energy. The medicine I'm taking is Codein, Lidocaine and Tylenol. It tastes GROSS! I have to be careful cause it'll make me sick if I take too much. AND since I can't eat anything to fill up my stomach I have to be Very careful.

That's about it.

Totally enjoying watching all this TV though. LOL

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Tonsils Buh-Bye

Had THE OPERATION TODAY! It was scheduled for 8am and they wanted me there at 6:30am which meant I was up at 5:30am! EEK.

Went very smooth, the nurses were very professional and nice and always looking out for my comfort. It was funny cause of all the drugs they loaded me up with in the hospital it barely hurt so I thought I was going to skate through it.


Bout 6pm when it all started to wear off it was HURTING like hell in my throat and it is VERY difficult to talk now.

Doesn't help I'm yelling at the kids non stop cause they decide to act all horrible on my sick ass.

DH has been a big help crackin down when I need it.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better and I'll get 2 uninterrupted hours of solitude tomorrow when they're in school!

Started watching American Idol. It's BACK!

Will catch up with more later.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Family Night At the Porcelin Inn

Beef Fantastic

Chuck Steak, Can of Cream of Mushroom Soup, Golden Mushroom Soup and French Onion Soup in the crock pot for 10 hours. Smelled and tasted delicious over egg noodles.

About an hour later excruciating stomach ache.

After about an hour of not being able to sleep due to the PAIN!

The rest of the night was a blur of




Johnny was sick 4:30am just from taking a few bites of that toxic brew.

I only got 3 hours of sleep and HAD TO go to the training class the next day

Felt like a truck ran over me.

Worst Day Of My LIFE

Hopefully in a few months it will be a distant memory.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Busy start to the year

Hm, this posting format is different.

Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy week, and next week.

My tonsil surgery is scheduled for Tue Jan 17 and I will be off work till Jan 30. Didn't think the new boss liked that but I wanted to block the time in case the recovery is longer.

This new job is tripping me out. I'm having a crisis of confidence. But I'm sure I'll work through it and by May will hardly remember this stuff. Also have to prepare for another VP round table that I can't even attend. bummer.

Have to get up at the butt crack of dawn Monday for a 2 hour video conference call. We're global ya know.

Mom can't come here till Feb 11. Bummer.

That's about it for now. Watched Dancing with the Stars. Cute but not super addicted. I am looking forward to Skating with the Stars and AMERICAN IDOL!


Sunday, January 01, 2006


omg. i'm getting so boring and old.

Don't even ring in the new year any more. Just watch it creep in on the computer clock as I'm surfing the web. b o r i n g.

Got some good news! I went to the throat doctor Thursday and he said he would remove my TONSILS!!!!!! Wow. I have been putting up with this condition called Chronic Cryptic Tonsillitus and the Doc said since I had reached my breaking point with this the next step was the Operation!

Eek! I'm not looking forward to it. 7 days in pain on the couch. And almost 2 weeks off work and losing my voice etc. Specially with this new training job. I'll have more updates on that. Hopefully I'll get it overwith in Jan. But I wanted to take Johnny bowling on Jan 14! And I have a Train the Trainer class Jan 10-11. Bad timing.

That's about it. We just started watching the TV Show Lost. Great show!
