Saturday, January 07, 2006

Busy start to the year

Hm, this posting format is different.

Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy week, and next week.

My tonsil surgery is scheduled for Tue Jan 17 and I will be off work till Jan 30. Didn't think the new boss liked that but I wanted to block the time in case the recovery is longer.

This new job is tripping me out. I'm having a crisis of confidence. But I'm sure I'll work through it and by May will hardly remember this stuff. Also have to prepare for another VP round table that I can't even attend. bummer.

Have to get up at the butt crack of dawn Monday for a 2 hour video conference call. We're global ya know.

Mom can't come here till Feb 11. Bummer.

That's about it for now. Watched Dancing with the Stars. Cute but not super addicted. I am looking forward to Skating with the Stars and AMERICAN IDOL!



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