Saturday, January 21, 2006

I MISS FOOD!!!!!!!!!

Day 6 without solid food. And a very restricted liquid diet. Can't eat too much even ice cream etc cause it's hard to swallow.

I'm sleeping about 17 hours a day and the back of my throat is covered in thick white SCABS! They taste nasty and feel sore all the time. I can't wait to eat a normal meal. All I think about is what I can eat first.


2. Big plate of noodles with chicken, brocoli, olive oil and parmesan cheese.

3. Big Mac and fries

Among many other things.

The kids have been good, we've been cracking down on them fighting all the time, it gets on my nerves BAD.

This week should be better cause I will be more on the mend and have more energy. The medicine I'm taking is Codein, Lidocaine and Tylenol. It tastes GROSS! I have to be careful cause it'll make me sick if I take too much. AND since I can't eat anything to fill up my stomach I have to be Very careful.

That's about it.

Totally enjoying watching all this TV though. LOL


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