Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Tonsils Buh-Bye

Had THE OPERATION TODAY! It was scheduled for 8am and they wanted me there at 6:30am which meant I was up at 5:30am! EEK.

Went very smooth, the nurses were very professional and nice and always looking out for my comfort. It was funny cause of all the drugs they loaded me up with in the hospital it barely hurt so I thought I was going to skate through it.


Bout 6pm when it all started to wear off it was HURTING like hell in my throat and it is VERY difficult to talk now.

Doesn't help I'm yelling at the kids non stop cause they decide to act all horrible on my sick ass.

DH has been a big help crackin down when I need it.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better and I'll get 2 uninterrupted hours of solitude tomorrow when they're in school!

Started watching American Idol. It's BACK!

Will catch up with more later.


At 6:50 AM , Blogger Judith said...

Just be carefull what you eat... I had mine out at 19, and after two weeks I ate a pickle, and the stictches ruptured and I was in the hospital bleeding huge chunks of blood till they stopped it. LOL East SOFT foods for at least a month! Pickles are a NO NO. LOL


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