Saturday, September 09, 2006

A Little Elaboration

That last post was too funny. This guy is visiting from Australia that used to work here so a bunch of us went to Growler's. Had a great time, left about 9:30pm but had 2 more beers after I got home. Had to get all the stress out I guess. The past 2 weeks have been beyond insane at work with the new hire coming up MONDAY!!!!!! and the Cicero building still causing all kinds of problems.

Had to take the day off Friday unexpectedly. Took Charlie to work for a couple of hours, he was so GOOD!!!! Everyone thinks he's so cute.

Plan to go into the office tomorrow to finish up some stuff, a trip to the party store for my training geegaws, they got stolen last time I placed them all out on the tables before a class. That is such a shame!

WISH ME LUCK! Not sure why I'm nervous, I'm training Bridge/Knowledge not anything too complicated. And one of the guys in the class has already been working here for 6 months as a contractor. He is so funny! AND nice so it'll be a BLAST!!!!!

Other than that not much going on. Johnny's in swim lessons again, still won't go under the water or jump in. I'm getting frustrated with him.



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